Short Selling and Optimal Portfolio Selection ── Multigroup Models 卖空与最优证券组合的选择&多组模型
Robust Optimization of Project Portfolio Selection under Information Uncertainty 信息不确定下项目组合选择问题的鲁棒优化
This paper presents a game theory approach for portfolio selection. 将给出证券组合投资分析的一个对策论方法。
A Genetic Algorithm for Fractional Programming Fuzzy Portfolio Selection Model 分式规划模糊投资组合模型的遗传算法求解
R& D project portfolio selection decision-making analysis and thinking-based on fuzzy set theory and inspired by scheduling perspective RD项目组合选择的决策分析与思考基于模糊集理论和启发调度视角
Continuous-Time Portfolio Selection Research in an Incomplete Market 不完全市场下连续时间投资组合研究
This paper introduces a concept of efficient subset for portfolio selection. 本文引进证券组合选择的有效子集概念。
The efficient boundary of the portfolio selection is the key to determine the optimal investment structure. 证券组合投资有效边界是确定最优投资结构的关键。
A Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm for the Portfolio Selection Problem 求解投资组合问题的多目标遗传算法研究
A new long-short portfolio selection model is proposed with the attrition of transaction cost while we supposing that the investors are risk-aversed. 在假设投资者是风险厌恶的前提下,提出了一种新的买空-卖空投资组合选择模型,并考虑了交易费这种摩擦。
In the paper a continuous-time mean-variance portfolio selection model with liability is established. 构造了一个带外生负债的连续时间均值-方差最优投资组合选择模型。
Portfolio selection with different borrowing-lending rates: Utility maximization model based on mean and VaR 不同借贷利率下的投资组合选择&基于均值和VaR的效用最大化模型
An optimal portfolio selection problem in the fixed consumption style is investigated under the mean-variance framework. 在均值-方差框架下研究了一个带有固定消费模式的最优投资组合问题。
The Research of Investment Portfolio Selection Model Based on Copula 基于Copula的投资组合选择模型研究
A portfolio selection model with transaction costs under the constraint of higher moments such as skewness and kurtosis was discussed. 讨论了有交易费用的、包括偏度和峰度在内的高阶矩约束的多目标最优投资组合选择模型。
This paper studies Markowitz portfolio selection theory and Sharpe capital asset pricing model from each aspect, especially explains capital asset pricing model and its recent development in finance field. 本文对马柯威茨证券投资组合理论和夏普资本资产定价模型作了全面的研究,着重探讨了资本资产定价模型及其在财务领域的发展。
Research on multiobjective portfolio selection model based on evolutionary programming 基于进化规划的多目标投资组合选择模型研究
A Model for Portfolio Selection Based on Fuzzy Decision-making Theory 一个基于模糊决策理论的投资组合模型
Review and research issues on portfolio selection and financial optimization 论投资组合与金融优化&对理论研究和实践的分析与反思
Research on Portfolio Selection with Probability Criterion and Fuzzy Criterion 概率准则及模糊准则下投资组合研究
Study on Portfolio Selection of China's Stock Market in Fuzzy Environment 模糊环境下中国股票市场的投资组合决策方法研究
Multi-Period Portfolio Selection Model Under the Safety First Criteria 安全第一准则下的多期证券组合投资模型
An algorithm based on inverse matrix for mean variance portfolio selection model is proposed. 介绍均值方差资产组合选择模型的一种以逆矩阵为基础的算法。
Robust portfolio selection and asset pricing under model uncertainty 模型不确定性条件下稳健投资行为与资产定价
A study on a kind of linear programming methods in portfolio selection 一类投资组合选择的线性规划方法研究
The fuzzy optimization models of portfolio selection and study of efficient frontier 组合证券资产选择的模糊最优化模型和有效边界的研究
The monoline insurer found itself both investing and acting as the portfolio selection agent for Abacus 2007-AC1. 这家单一险种保险商发现,自己既是Abacus2007-AC1产品的投资者,又是该产品的投资组合筛选代理人。
A New Method for Portfolio Selection Models 允许卖空条件下组合证券投资模型的一个新算法
A Study on Portfolio Selection Model on Condition of Non-normal Distributions 非正态分布条件下的投资组合模型研究